Gale Acuff
One day you're dead and there you are, dead but
still alive somehow in the Afterlife
they tell me at church and Sunday School and
I'm only ten years old so I swallow
almost all I hear especially if
it comes from grownups, who by the numbers
are nearer to death than I am, not count
-ing accident or disease or any
other way God has to take us out of
life into the life that lasts forever
--but there I go again, Eternity
is what I mean but I guess I'll find out
for sure what the truth is and it will cost
my life to find out, maybe even my
soul if I have one. I sort of hope not.
Nobody wants to die but my Sunday
School teacher says that's wrong, she wants to since
that's how you finally meet up with God
Almighty, not that you never met Him
before, before you were born that is, and
He put your soul into your body and
there you are, not to mention looking in
on you from time to time throughout your life
to see how you're doing, whether you need
help or don't, in fact could use some trouble
to sort of round you out and make you whole
--oh, she believes a lot of things so much
it's as if she knows them for facts but that's
faith, of course, it may be bullshit but
it keeps folks going, kind of like candy.
One day when you're dead if there are still days
when you're dead, surely there are for those folks
still alive, Gabriel will blow his horn
or trumpet though if it was a big trom
-bone that would be righteous but anyway
when that happens any dead souls in grave
-yards will bust up through their coffin lids
and soil and turf and meet up with Jesus in
the sky, is that the Rapture, I'll take my
umbrella if I'm still alive on Earth
but anyway then I guess the Earth explodes
or Jesus makes Paradise down here or
whatever's in the Good Book that's supposed
to happen does or is it that the dead
live again? It sounds better than Star Trek.
Gale Acuff has had hundreds of poems published in a dozen countries and has authored three books of poetry