Jeff Bagato

can’t go back

bestie candle limits

agree now

agree yet

agree much

places must agree

each side of zero

There goes a toll one

like a unicorn

all magic & no


all the charges you can

put by

you put by for later

that later is a creep

to stalk you like that

you swipe left

you hit back

you go back

can’t go back

Good Times

tumble layer


genuine eye leather

segments sunrise

does this for you make a new dawn

smaller creepers don’t fit

avenue of like

champion of upthumb abracadabra

some unicorn

some hamburger

some token light sets

cheap lubbers

log in to guest

reach kernels

good times

savor all the freedumbs you afford

by your you

It’s down to this

it’s down to this

that’s it

you came around

you know the ropes

you know the score

now the real deal

keep the fires lit

what you got

what you know

come to this

come to find out

wait your turn

wait your mo

keep it up

have a go

look at the cue

take your place

not a hope

not a clue

it’s down to this

wait for it

take your stand

take your place

step right up

get to it

get to work

do you know the words

don’t choke

don’t bint

don’t fumble

wait for it

weed ‘em out

smoke ‘em out

gonna catch it

that’s the spirit

look forward

look forward


that’s the ticket

that’s the spirit

get a habit

make an effort

get to work

it’s down to this

it’s down to this

collect afraid

simple dragons

to attach wealth

gains get clever

an outrage a horror

a plague

words don’t define

they create

a mystery unseen

no bindings

but the dead

A Resource

ever tides

ever weather

remote. there it is

chasing its own tail

lost to itself

perminate a serious need

test taking sauce later

a resource

if used wisely

trade one ugly for another

at a distance

you can’t see

the difference

There goes another angel

onions of thought

broad leafed

recede into the past

runnning. lost along

ones made joining

cruise anyway

glame fort piece

nog unwell splash barrier

gusto string. yearned for

himself or herself or briars/tweed

there goes an angel

there goes another angel

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diamond. the book over

at the time stamp android confirmed.

to pan! the hand is the middle man

all but this table is god tier already

did one for jinx but it’s in talks

set being a toggle

such frugality. & thrift

Jeff Bagato produces poetry and prose as well as mail art, electronic music and glitch video. New books for 2022 document experimental text work from the past few years, including In the Engine Room with Bettie and Andrea Reading Pornography, Gonch Poems, Robot Speak, and Floral Float Flume: Flue Flit Flip. A blog about his writing and publishing efforts can be found at