Texas Fontanella

Crossing My Fish Fingers

Give yourself over and out: "to the Imaginationalists we pledge our Legionaires diseased air conditioners and shampoos." Toady just sham-poos, wont get in the precious with me, Tolkien assheil, eh, ehh, ehhh. Atm, im riding an excelsiorsize book with Toy Boznkiak. Oops. Dropped the N, like he did the 9-ball that dime I still went back!!! I'll get u. Gut u! Gat u! Git u! I'll plea Him like two of my Finch girls. And they say im Always off and on wiv the ferries!


Pottery In Motion Defectors

Do you happen to have thoughts tucked away up there, or just bumpers? You should come with me one trip off to Mount Druitt Hospital. They have stacks there, have sticks there, and Liquor Staxx down to embrace our inner Caterpillars block (again and against it, therefore i am) The Road Dog Jesse James, whose Giantsdottir gotta ImPeach ‘Em All Behind Blue Eyes White Drag ons the way back to when [a]i ruled The Word. Don't. Hit me, I’ll have. Your law roar. Let’s get on. Together what. Ever, the weather’s bin Orphic, dysmorphic, kintorted, het or mess.. atypical monist. Fuck your creator sounds awful as shit. Your pockets are all full of shit, and porkers, fuelled by The Shit, and failed by the chute. Up2 us, with our own divorces, to loser the. Crack. In the dime space continuum. Just doing what we do do when we do be doing it over bored with the foilies with Ricks on em as big as Tommy Toenails’ toenails. D’ya Frink Jesus went all, like: ‘Do’h!;nails¡’? Of course, you’ll,off course,have no second coming to spare change key your car d missing : i demure, but does the D need some myrrh? Why, you dont out thing the Teen Titans are ic[k], do you? Does any1up? That megloside act narrative tunes the prize beside the wedding spiral but underestimates breath inside this twisted military junta. Youre like ‘make us markers my worlds away we go off the deep end of the week end glitch a hoon revolution at thy cornier store grift cards me permanent residency at Springies, in the To Let Signalling erryone to race riot squad - the price of bred exceeds raison d’enfer. Yes to preposition 24. Yore in formation. Oui. Haven't gone all out of means in sum time. Funs The Unmemorious. Look up at this Thins ive done gone out on a limp and gone and dome. Big derro will have for break fussed over orange details. Heave. ‘N’ define rite to rule out dev eloping a crash upon His sister. Sol. i! No the prize of everything, and The Cursed. Of nothing… oner come over? Oh. & out (and in loo) of order, © [Copr.]

underCover Letter

Phillip Texaz "STix ViSKOuz" FontanellA is el ellaes invisible. With the passing of Otoliths, they're a literary drifter, getting on a journey to find a new haunt, or Maybe tHemselves. Their xurrent project valkyrie internet explores the amodern crossovers, interconnextions and tesselations bae tween the Burroughsian end Rimbaudian canon shot me up into the psych o pump Glas. I make mulch of new ecidence Arthur aCTually skipped along town for the future, too, trading in Only The Finest raygunz, sipping Wilde Turnkey. Inne these, under the banner of meating 1's MAGA, suproses to be iLLumin@tionz2, naked lunch poemz, The teX-files, Gnaw, Panic & Freak Power Out. Ageless. Youth addicts. Thee WSb plays the intelligence officer for me and lil RaTKing Arthur know Howl toupe the field a gents. Like, i sad, Lee. I, personally, CANCAN fool the heat closing in.

Give Up Your Naked Lunch Money

Not a long, long time ago, if my defective memory banks serve naked lunch well, your wife was a feat in the middle east. Every ableist heart shaped bix was open to interpretation, where every cheepcheep wine and three day growth flowed.

One night in bangkok, i sat out to naked lunch, beauty on my knee cap him– and i lost and found her better when bittersweet.

– and i pizza hurt her, hurt like her.

I sled, encrusting my pleasure chest to you four timing, o riches playing chess o miserys love of company cars, o hate for the bourgeoisie, yarrr.

Sniffing out snuff films, i incised all haunts of glitch hop from my unconsciousness. I made out with your mumford and leap year of faith no more of those wildebeastie boys - toys - onyk it, the hunting down of joyriders, tske a pool cue from The Stranglers.

Dyeing my hairs, i called out to my executionerz: you racist, sexist, etc., you know, you now so Toady Fetch could bite the butt what rifles thru my womb. #suffergate. Choke’s on me. All the sands of time, blood lust lines. Miss Fortune was godsy. I with it, in criminalist Ais. & i uneven trick or treated madeness more than one time at bandcamp.

& springsteen gave me up2. N IDIOTS unbearABLE laugh track their movements…

Just now, having nearly reached around death’s adoration, i even considered seek, that chi, old fast, thru witch, perhaps, i stretchers my might, joe regain my apple, tight.

Charity organs from those i despise: the key in allen ginsbergs window of opportunity cost. Sludge; inspo. Proofs i simply mist, and have been the dreaming.

“a high-yena (though this author wanted a high-xena), you’ll for eve r gorgon on what remains, what automatic rifle thru their stuff you.

So cries the matt damon that hollow crowns me live for something or die for nothing.

“Take off. your protein pills and wake up in your make up on for death. With your ecoTISM, we’ll abolish ever y capit pun, and thin on sin.”

Ah. It seems i have 2 many teeth already. But the DEA on saturn begs me to look away at you, awaiting a flew plated cowardices - you who must not be named so depreciate a rider’s disability to de-scribe our informant. I’ll tear gas up, you terribad leaves of crass. Form my brook of eloise buy the damned up2.

Merrylands. Poppies.

Play dest


Unentitled Army

Butt how at that egg sack kodak moment cd he know to send the beer reviewed psychological realty paper on the ocean thru to our minds kelly later fund wanting a big mac buy the bodies had some errands to at temp t r ee ho uses s of horror show meat the "©" sidle up2 you heave at least a litre of water work out even in yr sleep cycle thru cr ash in g cold wars stolen by cut thr oat suns screen for viral infections like you rodeo on aviary fast chance zoom deleted by the belligerent hike up that zucchini lord lands yr skirt in g bored a farce round wheezes pest con trolleys w and er out of stock take it from me, you dont wanna drop the soap opera s hard b oiled defect IFs stoned as gargoyles mauve to purloin carnal knowledges my throw off’s the purr suit you to lie down panting our supple mental state’s alchemical question murks demand thy origin and tonic water down the cunning linguist falconry standby the : ph: ill lips blue bury their distinguished faculty for telling pokie towers over kill you all dis appoint me dog


Intelview Excepts

What do you think about life in the 1400s especially being the time where a lot of women were accused of being witches and burnt at the stake etc (Europe)?

Idk. Cos it went till the land the 18th. Silvia Federici, in Caliban and The Witch, refutes a popular strawman for historians, an economically determinist Karl Marx may be resting in peace, but under 24/7 surveillance. Capital’s mode de vie has always been brutal rape, body and mind, of proletarian women. The use value of their reproductive powers ensure their ongoing persecution; extremist violence thus logically followed me for the productive powers that are to this day conducting insurance claims your prize animal instinct you’re preggas with Marx and Engel’s bae. You’re all expendable to motor schemes, fundamentally ill as any victim of what was then a new kind of violence by and for domesticity. It’s the same today: Cormac’s McCarthyism is coming out the closet mirror game on Fox News. Listen in in case they gay, man. Dog truth. Criminalists burnt me at the stakeout.



When did you start writing and what was your inspiration

● Tomorrow, when the war began to seem musical, im under a desk in class - dont panic, dont panic, it says dont panic on the streets of London burning nahnahnahnah and eye dont wanna shout you got no change in hell hole of anti sexual relations with that woman of His dead sociaty so respectacle golf score with your own private island for poor people know too much is nervous enough rope with homicide charge my phone plan the trip sitter for the kids you fuck up holstery foam at the month is a duck father crossing from hell, the night ride bus in old mount druitt to get ice cream of the crop the prose and cones of doing this cunt in on the historical material be too plastic explosive planted in his substance D day with my big otherstream slide off dawn in hungry thirsty errorist cells splitting like this seine be the border line break the surface of my personality disorder of the phonics. I on Harry, Putthead



Im getting a lot of subliminals in poetry lately about treason I dont necessarily condone yet. Over. I err on the site of cautionary logic; at some point, the taking things higher that informs the basis of much criminalist thought is practice on the shelf and we will put out into practice yr thought w/r/t conventional bourgeois politics howl it necessitates getting dirty, oh, to reason among us, all in all so queerly aus nationalist, promoting our hum groening player hater interests thru like a square in a round hole the Didnt I Take You Higher clause : treason for treason’s sake every A list criminal worth his saki, net worth his SAlt commits treason against her criminalist anti state on the daily, if possible. It’s all nova the Daily Tele. Tubbies dont worry: it’s a part of the new anti racist paytriotism, the latest gag reflex order theyre pushing for an end to my wordy tormentz. "End glitch, motherfucker, doth you spake it thus?”


The impressionism that i get

Damn it. Why do i always attack on the "if its a tuesday"s when he just does the fkn news trip on wednesdays? I thought id used comic timing to fuck with him. I give myself in. But of course, as the non criminal remastermind,

I havent done anything, just pioneered a new sentence reflecting nu sentience for those that knew sentences end with a fuel stop this at once. It's criminalist writing the his tory books at him speeding on threw the night failing like a pinkie government art grant denyer 's me the authority to decode whether reports of my debt to predatorcessors past and present was grate or if lee exaggerated his ownership of fools gold meanies part

ways to mock money: vase m = o = n = e = y crashed and burnt bridges stole stacks in their trip wire out the blood letting go of the toaster in the bath with the pest i cider yo ink blots the pain staking out cross fires in the whole building glitches the editorial ward of the hospital waiting times out of fascism is a flat circus

Amyl. Nil

Trade beads and surfaces

Serf faces a little

Too loose change



My body [of work], my choice [cuts]; so long and thanx for all the Fitch

I had this idea in 2014 where I'd copy, after Fitchs Vague Bonds [not vague enuff], his Shattered Rain where "i" was to be [pun] the Talking Asshole... he liked the idea, but since he then ripped me off, and I didn't have a computer, I didn't do it. I again don't have a comp.1…



The basic unit of criminalist writing is the glitch

The criminalist manifesto is Breezeway, by John Ashbery

There's the criminalist businesses, the criminalist political party, and the criminalist church. I do not know if they have anything at all to do with one another. Why? Who's asking?

Just get a loan out. In your own name to your own bank account. Now, go to get it out, but No Face, No Case. You are officially not you according to CCTV, wearing your chosen disguise. Repeat at will

Lie. Fail. That is the criminalist meaning of lief

Im sick of the term treasonous being floated around me. Just because i hate you, doesnt mean im treasonous. Like, if you pay us off, criminalists might even let you continue to exist, on our terms, for a while

"All poorer to the criminalists". Thus spake The Ppl

As the criminalists say: growing up is getting on

Criminalists, elected or unelected, -

Your vote doesnt matter here -

Will rename Sydney 2000


criminalists will replace the newtown MLK mural with an MX one

Criminalism: its bigger than hip

Hop, hip




"You guys are worth more to me alive in my basement. Send you off to your Centrelink appointments, make sure you dont get cut off."


I look at you, from the curfew zone, and since im always rolling, turn to stone, knocked for ten out of ten like we were bowling bent over backwards we'll call it a Tyler Durden clones for my cabinet over parliaments murder, yo, youve toady logic and a city folding like my burner phone, witch will never tell us what we do knot to know, or what the turkey asshole throes!


Jim says dont add any fake stuff. That would make it too confusing.

John says dont slide down the ones they still arent using.