Texas Fontanella
Willem, It Was Re Ally No 11t1h111111111111111111 1111111111
Fo[u]r Pete Spence
“A dull op here, a miss of particles there” - John Ashbery, Dream Of The Rarebit Friend
A shatter i-land ref rein the Cheshire cat like communist rain. Colluded blanketle states hell’ll pop his pimp walk aweay polluted wall, up against the g rain. Copyleft to my own up2 d-e vices, with back ward gait behaviourists in boat h sert double plus and sert plus minors sticky traps the potty mouze Rad Queen - raline, raline - The Who’s who was Mr Hydeing the under belly bed bugs; caucus quit the consternationsting; some nascent Gonzo ig- nation lo’ Hazel ou’shone ice edicts grape d y our nazal notions sling - gh - will / self fakes some franz the trial and terror. Pilfered dumpster trucks what a way to star the workers revolution cosy Counts dew ‘n 2.10. are tucked in disorienting: gr in. Go / on Ed repeats D.A.R.E sh elves are semi automatic - why ding? Charmed MANIC EPISODES breeze this mang - LED - o16@ho tm ail.co me t his wayf, Charizard! SBook: noughties, four stilts knot written within Whitman riddim1w2. Come on, they’re t1i1tts, audience, ordinance, insubordinancy signatrA. Get got sniffing out my ab Ex pensive abode you are what you wheat: bang. Bang. classic plastic elastic shuffling the cards alight - FANtastic snew patrol Furniture money for the poor foremanz wash me ‘igh s hort note you don up2 Jekyll IT about a bit 8bit w hile our Wall Read Queen Fiona explanes: “eye lakes off wit h all the rug running lapse a round haus kick for the Dawn stares @ You Am Eye too stay in the shame palace. Cinema Now, an intelmission for some smore delicious snacks and says it’s refreshing Judith Beveridges. AtTLPention!” Alice re aches around around h er hot s eat; bi sh op to the eighth Brumiere scare; springs on her her bobble and squeaking vanguard dinner party goers goey electrified to get the blow back up2 the balloons are ice. Cub.e. BUtt, in ma p oc ket EYE ore, deal they’re the un pre dict able ph one guest of ho no rary de Creed dis gust h ass you f all ow pun derp b ears to the g rand p utts me out of a ny good Stead man Scrabble sty l e f or his s po ok s to be re serve d N AVO dr awn out of g n i bin bit coin on this Underground Velvet stan ding Sunday Morning Rev olv er. Pr o tel. St one garde n. S un gig glee s on Hold en astr ide ,it’s ned eve n c lose read w hat [?] yo u th so [d]w ER hudd led agro un dz ero gr avitas rids e very thin s mashing keys,uptRlf a jvp to pump kin clouds c law mo r t nin g traffic clods tight lipped eye purse. Buy perf. Lie. Queues
s. Lyrica ge nus [national uni on of stud ents] sore Bic. My, bust ed out er west snorkt straw hat per son A non g rate r wit h ric h we il f lay off i2 reel per so n f ai lin g t a move men t m e on a ny sign if i cant f ron t;ts pie CE. ][O] p w ned to get her jazz ed up2 rec or d in t he hack lyk etz normal lycra threats. Genie)us, s wake. U gh.©T he ef f it. Chi At lease d 7 proper ties nard K[i]S[s]-chi r ping us of f to be ISIS in opera. TIFFS o c casio nally fur t ado a boot, notiC1ng his party w or ld vie w to Kr ill. Tonighc, tonighc, scumbagz Jessica Rabbit Palestinians an ephemeral emerald lining the w h ole s trip em d own t hey ‘re dea d weigh t. The se Villages we’ll f ill up2 on chess tennis shoes off. STIX VISCOUS; that’s jUSt a Keith urBAN mythodology. Tihs Israel de man d s and sup ply ch ai ns a t he US fo’ red acting l ike a c or rupt ur e in out the narco tics age n cy b org a n o’ B pi lack eros-math for ge o grap hies for yr up2 i is d.e.a cert a no ifi cate of infortainment. Ever; Y words Char lie’s he ron’s on hero in on h is wheroine shoe dent s have got it on t run k bo at s s hoo tin g u p all m all spa arks up2 day off al glow on, radio octave head job to Karma Joffrey p lease by ron oaks keep off the g lass ai nt gr e nadir on d rugs th’ OT her g enko cide. R, chameleon needles an affect fixture; s ♤¥■¥□¥¥ strayed frok the t rue psycho path loss tra veil ed May be whimmen. W e sc aled r ute elb u Mo un d ai w w ear stu d d in g at nts we s core D NU no i is red. is read. IS reeds. D’ya marker on the rally gould lit lite malk. - ^*’mwix94..●● you has bin ussrimiliated. Hoo; garn mooks alt eye, eye, eye, neuro-TikTok /s/ now? U IS GReeereen and gold politics is just round the Korner werewolves by other means; predi<LE>ction. AGaiNsT predatory elextion erectionz hard, pressed my face thru the mirror crakcs. The other perso i am take z a step dad backwooxc. &-*dk$“Alice Springs Adventure Capitalism Under Cover New Ground” 92||f$Hsm.aod◇▪︎°◇jve.># like & she was ♡ hehehe •☆derry♡nxhshan d is like s he wars high t rolling - kskskskz- u roc ks p2 with Frank Zappa or sum midst mord IT had to seer Off, XXxX ever Rest STOP in On the dead zone. It’s A. Read oracle question, Mark. My wards chant at the dropper of a straw hate. ‘The Lice’s MISAdventures Under Ground Up Zero’. Ide s o f march tsars hare, as i fin ruin cars, .ortal Sup*er,,ior huge wit h merch from mercynaries across towns frill the !n screen of g reen Her cut out the is gloss era. T[Ran0]phy. Occupy your time, Skynet. Hehehe. C=green=NT, stub me out of Greg Boundz. TnT, & The Outsider. He’s Hendrix experienced wank p lace bull y in g yang. Nouse; heal to work ac loud b lack e ned by counting crowz… still;my DS! My my Signet jaw ruba duck kool Keith urbN day-mare glossolalia flats rate B.ARE shuffle like you never have hax Carrie on, kinGStguardds up2 being again humanity’s. self <is h[?]÷> diss@rganisation. And next nnexxed critiquery: Na
USEAs morcha Depends on Stiegler fo’ th’ rues. As antesocialists, dunn we wan Ds red lyteplucked district 999 rite wing frorm m’ Huns. Pooooooooh! Oh! 555. Lather .me too s w/ Frigters. The Nm, better thN elextrical virus. All seeing, i up2 fold bets ooft. specia. Feet jar. Tioln. Onto Yur poelrnm abscession with me co.mmm uñi st plot o f lan dsvixe city, pilot my ep: i ph one homosexual a loony dune. flybuy’s kinda cutnesz
S kz revogued. Ocker pi them in the face
Mosque. Amor fadi. Love of one’s fade. Gl len fal loch nuss out to
Sh ow quote d monnystarr ext me a
Tel Pro, Do You Have A Coin?
BOoh, Sleight Brusque Of The Logcidence
Poetry poetry poetry power trip poetry poetry poetry
Ooh, my, Jerry bi to the chase. Banjokazooie music. The situationism iz Diabetes could have caused my hearts closing down s ale was a huge hit it off and on with this cut game boy falls off the wag’s o[w]n tongue Stan tied up in shot notes with a zed of r kent macarter is up2 deep end s tate sic riff eyes cis, such as s our kitty kaye and morse cate wart teen procedure, putting on a vice documentally fit as packs of sacredit r, r, r..s Im off to get absolutist heistskethe entire of this district nine nine nine is the safe word off the stave, no world off the stage craft er noon, however it sez ids hi, the page swill howoe yr naval be as modem as moi. Hogs and christian bail’s from the ozzie binned the Redditors sat my beloved, serrak…ir..aye, war wad that, eh? Walll, at least they wore civil as zoot suits the lirchers cdnt chew thru. Out. Back. We’ll off for gopn John’s flea into the sun strole and be donne for futurity to diss members of zydeco’s cider co island clones the grote australian bite ya gnosis. Traffick groanz. Was could be me more ra. W w w. Plain tingles like row to lan d s how i.e. a. R d. Laing. Way to fester, fool. This is my faust time in the s now crash the cistern. Turn rad, white out and blur. The night is tender in the styx. No xytz. LEAHCMXxxx, g irl, frie[n]d chic Ken tucky Dobby bin paid. Off rith the ferries i pen. Sss. Nasty nazis Blaster Al Ackerman me. Im bein’ batty racked, body rocked. Im high c stayx in the musing tunnel visioms of Hamas it up2 my toes cut off in brood. Juiced w hat are you r2d2? Im moo red, dell the frankie homo kasabian. Return chute the runner. Shoot up the oner. My cunt’s crystal myth me when you’re gore crazy talk in sickles, get high caught as tax in cyber Siberia. Sigh. My effective state could stall be beerier, i think honey my problem’s i shrunken head the peace kids niks cause me to get on me period. Peas. If i had a nickelodeon for adventure time i hard to raid that, id beehive hairdo your bless ed. And then Les Murray. Rover r on silly, man. Why doned u mane something, u lazy ole burqa. No N, M. Im a muslin. Id hoot to be in arresting the police back to the fuschia, get hired as dactyl mining some kind error plot of Asland. I gas its now be gun s blathering, whorl u’re lathering up2 goat Crystal, all her bad to the boon tattooines u did drank as Frank the Tank took speed bumps in the rort. I understudied: rort law. We well wet each ermine for could Van Halen it like a toxic. Masque. Er, U am i lin it y. Am i linty? Fork T IN CO ME H at once, on bandcamp. Cop. E. All es. They good; all do bitter as if they Victoria’s secret surf ace s.. me, i prank for nomenon. U lift out u. Zo i can git awae car. E for Him. No d. Is that what it’s about turns in the man s cape - its Badman. Boot the moon. Shine like liars. Missing a p. E that hell stitch up2 mached, too jung, too flossed. I have perma fact tithes are back in black power over purple reign like finger prince in gaud aptending the federal reserve a guide seat in court, stale yr digitalismen Roger that like a Mr. Master missed her g s p o t. Win tarot if u DARE flock witg Demon Aibarn. Po ss e. Ss e. Ss e. Ss e. Zyzydgy. Zither plays ghoul, maddle Ghc. Slide a. Slide b. So, f’ h, e-e-e-e axe stars sea. eff the ace, we’re candide efface all the F faces. Volt. Air. E. Sins, i guess sho was about 12 years old when they started masterong muzak. Eff ron. You can go and lost yourself. i. Sh. Evasive. F vSe slaps inter samson more comb fort table legs keep wiggling like gum. Ball till yr pallmall rats drawl call back up where we be lung. Sin g lass tanks b reign in jaw. The pint is not disastrous. Violets, glorious Mk Ultraviolence is the penthouse abortion. Good. Think he isnt. Ah. Guns linger. I gnomed mine after my willie: tricker. Nelson county music we drank for Muntz. Haahaa. S killer. Um, tnz: where’s unoriginal flavoured pwner? Dont cell trouble 0. Its too DanPatgerous. Not hippie jan badger uz. I, i cap Stan. Warrenview charged now. Luck at the dim pools on her jigglypuff cheeks out how to feel the lief divorce leaving The Stand Byte Steven Kling on my ph one way or another just ice will be served to me, parlays and i slunk you kin d ly. Ergh. Mine. Min number. I Coon fin cheese ally here after my Self sk ink. Usb. Wsb. I kid, nap. Skid, nip. Skitz row yr beat genitally down the slip stream of consciousness now and Them Cooked Vultures. In dust. Try LSD. Day. Mo’ drunk in my junk. Theyre all trunk males. Le fleur de male ledge, im privnote to. Timing is everything, especially if yre goana drivel over the speed limit. I thank we’re messing up a BP. Bloom crush operation Poison Ivy. Eye just Badman, rubbing for the hood. Witch. Word out. The Croft landed safely on Marx. Didnt i fake u higher, diddums i treat u goo d s ever y w here on R, and dabbling with F. Shat up. The grand prolix is
You thjnk just cos yre well regarded, u can billie piper me? The beatiful, pi ed.
Gonzo first. They won
t see any one. R.
Zye, im not in, im on Sane.
She is pretty
Good in on
Lettuce. Pier review the foot age
Of con sent me crazy town call’d mullets.
Ooh, ooh, yeh.
A verse the under
faker. Hurricane / hurried cane
Im jhst Glad wrapping ny head we went to 7/11th heaven dire gram and gor slurries.
And im sp g lad the durries cam e. Ra 1, 2, 3, 4 high 5’d us e / buy dates.
Im a so cia
Path least travailed showers away from yester
Yeah of the K money and the f lucked eda
They say this call’s too duff, duff, duff. Turn off the lights, tune out the fights.
Fertile dope.
Fidel dup.
Did i budget for the bud get
Stuff stuff stuff
Ed am
Becomes pm.
Knees a loan, got no clone, knead a phone. At leased, im nod on mythadrone
Coming like a class of slaughter house flicks her bra strap like we had cars., not just
Moore, than the unusual amount of cares
For life. R addixition is that grace. You do the moths. Will their hippin and their hoping, the blipping and the blurping, they dont under cover Stan ds roar loserz kerbing yr shit cos i like chick flicks with dick picks on me
Lake Jazua Mcgay Hairy Sun wars my zix ts axe pack re hiss abusive best and less gaol then for hass! wail frie ndd for your Self sum / time
t’ Summer thyme. Frenzied Womb.
Odd personed
Dimbo room
Mate out with me er
Aegis crn number on the roof racks Ny thin g. He
It’s od to sail the hc zelling your Self out
Of ghc. G. H. C.
I feel so dawn. And i dont know. Why?
Look. Ice donut. Dial this under
Cover, to escape the
Bom. Reign, with a desert stormzy coming in from the rest
Stop me from having lived put thjz
Love thongs
All tags are only estimates
We will except more
Like ly then not.
This is. Shart Nuke.
Watt fin i sh.
Blam blam blam.
She hD six sjx six app
Peela away and hummin turnes to hand
Me that gunner. Y i call her Leros Punnery.
Shes my ploy bay bunny - G?
No. I went HD. Dad or a lie.
Jazz a lil motor sche.me.
Slept with her just to poke her dreams
Im at the spoke of my gnome
Chomp chomp comp ski sky
Degenracy pleasure crooked
Recipes. My bad, my bed their bet, my bod
Y mods?
Jut put s off the shaps thru
Out the corresponding
Hill Street KLingonz. O
First of powder please.
The ear is 2000 and fuck you. John Dreden has been
The words boast port for the lassi
132 yeas off, p
Lease. A rare haze. Sing croziz. U have nopthing too loose but yr chins. A.
Terror firm Marx.
Juice mein krokodil lich hell.
D? Hze is pretty. Eye like her.
Much love rs tryst? Im skidding out of byron, where, lord, every door and window displaying with my DP. Oui
Just shoot me
Marx and Fraud wbat you Gant.
Crock. Zack of c
Down the To Let. Yum
Cha cha cha.
We’ll come, we’ll come, we’ll come
To the big blur house.
Cunt tree. Of lie f with me in the dawn. Bug eyed, and i tjink i see
The shambolic symbolic is dialectrically in a relation s hip
Me off to be their fool. On my Hurley
Tea sh it sh owe bug
Y? Its fun.d i wannA spock to MGMT
Raw or Kids
Love first and prosperl
A neck
L ace jump
I clear eyes ly wasnt biting no one
Wasnt boating no one
Thats my mh big cigarette. I liked
Skipz my own age. My pineal grant’s fuckdd.
Bevause of Monica,
Who could have been a ce o
Fluke Nikes Dropped
The g. Lie’s a
Battlestar Galactica. Bottle stsr gal like ticks up.
And i dont actually think they were under the weather. They just liked the label.
I just on ice, liked the lapels. L’apple
Nova fails farr frok the fontanella family free texas
Ill take it! Off and awae is badder
Than sears the fortune. We invented the w. Heel.
Toes off ice job.
Less is Best.
They cant open the door for treason, can u call Hermes?
I was scarred of tje word for who my meme famed. It.
R. I n o id
Why seen foot age, why seen foot age
Of minus eye land
Grudge blingers. We was just halving a noice gamw ma ays pf dingo
Steal my baby
Let then eat cakes. G. The rapes of watch.
Dogs list about filing their nails, making sure their ears
Are pinty. I enjoi just kraken back and having a peer.
I.e. our dickhead out of heresay it to my faith. No more pevert commissionz place
I is a blockodder heard u like little
Ploise. Im a stonw gold guerilla.
Wharf four is where i scene him go gp girl, pfficer. You didnt drink up that. Your Self
Is deepz but fake. Im rewiring hisstory n Cray.
In at or
On at er
Era not
Tone, ezra
Pound out, they dk wtc there is to pined out
In therapy, i learn back for u to cash me
And im the fall
In fall in
Fall in fall in fall in
deep er a sleep
App. Knee howe.
I see what youre gittng at
Blam. Kapow.
There is a loot of glotta damage.
File lens, clawy us, vial lens..
Do you winner and not play
D n
B? 52s yummy lake the age
Of constants. Ts seeks me.buy how hot she is
I torally recall recall a warehouse. Sacking pathetique fallacy diamonds.
I think i was high society often at dads
Off the dregs of society.
Ugh. I know. Co. This is mum speaking. Yohr futurama is mined by my pasture wives.
The holl street bandits aee alive
Wirh the sound system of
Rly good graffiti de
Sign here to deport tubby fas
Name changed to that just tp avoid repetition
Helps us earn. L; a fandom of the opera
Rat iou a paunch in the face
Left in the sh op. ‘Project Valkyrie.’ What
Mum? Im Harry and grey, rocking about about the bottom of most bottoms up. Bummer. Car Blom! nAFTa has this been sine in the whaled before. Aye, dz deathrays? The rate of in, trust, has funded a s tray cataclys mic drop bears for a violent rafflelution.
Shes waiting, im wading for godot. Waking on my ab use mad e sensei im just sayin yang z hit
Up rhe coroner slaw, 2. Riming is eff we think foe your soul. Bud, youre not a soldier. Boy.
I could of cause never therefore be, uh
Here. Full thus out of steam wngines. All that is spolid melts into steam
Engines. Thomas rhe tanked
Mention. Ables. Run g
Ears to climate change in my pickets. Beggar me timbers! I am a nin jar.
But butt bud, bud, im also a poo
Defile all rational thoughtcrime of the sent
Jury’s sane. After that?
Shdnt u have enter veined when i steal a flighting chance in hell, you god?
Gld lie. Gpod life. R. R. R. R.
I Luke bog cats. Beg for cutz. R. Y. E.
CTcH. A. You is Eye. IN the wHy.
Not short e. Ali
Not nuhummed -
Im just enamored, eye love
The way you move. terra nary yen.
Yo la ten
Gp with
Me at the dime chew too i fought it
Was weir. There is no withdrawal.
It qas my other D. TOY off rhe Trif
fads. Damn. Age, now i juiced wanna get the g
(They do not, sexist)
And that bleeding flag
On the pool pole duncing gently
Flipping and spiking like heirs
And Twirl in g
Away from freedom fighters. Fee dumb flighters. Im dead with the leading
Virus. Her iris eyw rizz: sly wisdom, or just another foxy Lorde?
I wann be roy batty. Ale?
Is it pale?
…it was 20 minutes ago, b4 Car Blom
Out the doorway. A carlton imploded. MELbourne’s bitter ultimotum showing no clever signs of lie sho. Wide in the John’s heard. WHy are u always Stan
Ding! In and tonic the dpor weigh lots smore then i ice picked to be heated by a fire
Catcher. Pi mirrors match me, beauty.
But bud, we are NOT ducking in the library. We’re asiocial amynyls - badder than that,
Rich witch was totally in
Appropriate thisn we
Stern like Howard. You dont have to live, like a refugee ZZZ. Tap. And bewitching me e, i darn wanna be Petty,
But it fuels like erryone just wants to run
My love.
No age parenting
Pay meant.
Cali me. Mebbe
Lf whatwver
Sippy tjey were raised
Most accurately, this is a Seizure of the means of prediction.1
Tru, man. Tru.
The quack brown fix jumbled over
The lazy
I dont think they reverse were
Up the