Grant Guy

you want a poem that will express what I think

you are wasting your time

i dot not know what i think

what i think changes weekly

   (if not hourly)

does it matter when i am surrounded by absurdity

tragic absurd comedic absurd

you don’t agree

that’s okay    check back with me in an hour

you say that is absurd


i drank milton acorn under the table

that’s not quite true

he was already dead drunk

face down on the table

all before i finished my first beer

when he came to    i said    i win

he said     two out of three

hang on     i said     i think i hear my mother calling me

see you later     ta ta


on thursday i think i will occlude my life

but what to occlude it with






too many decisions and thursday is only three days away

what am i gonna do

Grant Guy is a Winnipeg, Canada, theatremaker and poet. He has 6 books published and his poems and stories have been published internationally online and as hard copy.He was the 2004 recipient of the Manitoba Arts Council’s Award of Distinction and the 2015 Winnipeg Arts Council’Making A Difference Reward.

His visual poetry has been included in group shows in New York, Dayton, France, Spain, Italy and Brazil.