C.E. Hoffman
Test Drive
The back the back
That b*tch is looking at me
Oh my god I lost her Switch
N***** Ima f*ck that b*tch up if she keeps looking
I gotta call her oh gosh oh shoot oh f*ck
Are we going to the West End
Aw man you shoulda seen it I got a knife in my f*cking kidney
Hey sweetie yeah I know no no where are you are you safe
So we were just geeking of high and drunk as f*ck
No no I’m on the bus we’re heading to the West End
And the f*cker just stabs me no joke
No no I’m not partying tonite I only have a bottle
Man I have mad beef with that guy
Yeah of course Sap little b*tch n***** motherf*cker
You know how I know Sap’s a p*ssy
I know sweetie I’m so sorry I have no idea where I left your Switch
That guy has beef with me right and instead of being a f*cking man he brings three b*tches over with him
F*ck that little b*tch you know my uncle I know the real streets if you can’t do something yourself you can’t do sh*t
I’m getting my pay check tomorrow I swear I swear I’ll buy you a new Switch
You gonna buy her a knife
It’s loyalty you know you’re nothing if you’re not loyal
Who was that
I love her so much I can’t believe I lost her Switch
You need to love yourself first b*tch
I smacked the f*ck outta Sap
Hey check out this b*tch’s t*ts she’s a stripper I met her at S**** G***
Oh my gosh she’s got nice t*ts tell her I think she has great t*ts okay
What are you a f*cking l*z
No I know that’s weird I’m just saying is she pretty
If you gotta pay a b*tch you don’t got game
When I was little I wanted to be a stripper
You should’ve seen the 100 pages of paperwork that n***** had to do
B*tch man don’t f*ck with me I’m no f*cking tallywacker Ima smack someone up first is that b*tch still looking at me
No no you don’t understand boys are black pits I’m scared of romance
Yeah yeah true you gotta love you
I’m so petty though I keep arguments going
Check out her T*TTIES you should have seen her show she f*cking strips naked and then spins around on this hoop in the air
You need a real man see
I’m scared of men I choose weak men so I can fight them
You fight them what are you crazy
No no I’m a p*ssy I mean like with my words
Opening and closing her legs you can see everything
You don’t got no game n*****
Where you ending up tonight
As long as I have this bottle I’ll sleep anywhere
Look we’re in the West End already
When’s our stop
We can’t stop we ain’t stopping
I never party I only came out ‘cause my mom was mad at me she’s such a narcissist I love my dad though I still call him daddy he cares about me he only really drinks around her with me he’s always been sweet
Now that’s a joke I can’t say
I love him I love my daddy he sent me a hundred bucks because he knows I have no money
I should have never left the rez
Shut up you dumb motherf*cker
I’m telling you I should have never left I should go back before it’s too late can’t you feel the city closing in soon we’ll all be stuck
What do you mean we’re not stopping
We can’t stop man we gotta keep going f*cks like us end up nowhere anyway
No I’m done motherf*cker I’m out
I’m telling you we can’t stop we can’t get off this thing
You think that f*cking bot can hear you
Why is it going so fast what the hell this is a hill can’t it see this is a f*cking hill
Haha f*cking funny man look at this little b*tch
My f*cking phone it’s out the window f*ck f*ck f*ck I need that to call my dad
Sh*t that’s fast I think the driver’s broken
He needs to know I’m okay
I told you we ain’t stopping
Oh my god I don’t want to die
I’m sick of living anyway you’re a b*tch if you don’t know how to die
Do we have to
How am I going to call my dad
Wait are you saying
The End
C.E. Hoffman is a traditionally published author, performer, editor, and filmmaker. Find their books and other weirdness at cehoffman.net