Irene Koronas



 How dishellish

Who disprins


The hypoc herd maxim

commands an agglom


whose clever receptors

are disintegody


riddles. Alcibiade

and caesar eye knocks


when the earth broke into

two pieces, a suspension


disherds and condenses

vap and blemish warm

flies in backup


how dislime

who dislils


even involves



brays teaser

a risk or probability


This is all

this needs to know


Saturnine knows the slow

sense of dies. La folie du jour


The di in disappear

in constant diformation


mad for light


a luna genitive

phrase that homonyms

the body


the same adjourn

tires the narrator

and the phenomenon


This sight

not visible


les mettre en scene


links la folie du jour


Vision after vision after life

after death after beyond


le soleil place en abime





Four words connect God

and question narra


unsurpassed in neutrality

to the point of delirium

transforms and leaves


the performance in syntax


triomphe de


Be quiet and fold


1.     ritical inquiry

2.     mologies

3.     willie

4.     being lingual

5.     cite

6.     stablish

7.     crolanguage







By defini

invaginate strug

refold irdies


invert bulge


The trace burst


its quence


The end the same

sweep the roke


situe on its

lower edge

and midcurve


antepenultimate passat


The final accent

the dissym before pastem


Requo sita tep in


Decode the include

the chiasma double


laid out


what remains




Invalidates version

two or three

the drowner


Quest rrati eci


Every possi


Yes firmation


Yes requo on

become it


Over on is over the on


A coherent exneutral

aphonic term


All organized narrative

is under invertigation


It neuters hypertopia 


without negating


it less


Schreiben und

siegen wollen




this phantom



the multiheads

provide comments


fall on ridgebone


the nearway urge

Irene Koronas is an extreme experimentalist. Her Grammaton Series includes siphonic, Volume VI (BlazeVOX, 2022), lithic cornea, Volume V (BlazeVOX, 2021), holyrit, Volume IV (BlazeVOX, 2019), declivities, Volume III (BlazeVOX, 2018), ninth iota, Volume II (The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2018) and Codify, Volume I (Éditions du Cygne, 2017). Her extreme experimentalism has been published in Alligatorzine, BlazeVOX, The Boston Globe, Buzdokuz, Cambridge Chronicles, E·ratio, Marsh Hawk Press Review, Offcourse, perspektive, slowforward, Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art and Word For/Word. She is the Publisher of Var(2x). Her website is