Rupert Loydell



                     undercarriage event

       more primitive property within itself

                           percussion contexts crash down

              learned drum sensation

                         meditation accordance areas

          muted tribute              smoke screen

                 written released half intended wrong

                        melancholic loop within

                   auditorium aspects experiment

               think free      occultural us

    familiar ecstasy               in hour experience

                      occasional divine return

           descending casualties           number trap

                  overexcited pastoral catalyst

                               functional clatter night

              erotic tender belief emerging

                            improvisational programming

        sometimes cadaver sincerity      metaphor hours

                 sinister relations     ritual collaboration

   edge sounds happened     illogical origin source

             dire highways      personal psychic substance

                      twisted beginning    snippet aerial

         intimidating pop about everything

                    devastating terminus religion

                              understand unclean overload

                         focus the work            likely traces

                  suicide scramble soundtrack heroes

                          autosexual hungry climax victims

           satisfied angel    intermediary shadow

                  tender cutting      mystical disagreements

    collective percussion process      burning music

                        location change travelogue

               logic reassembly   alchemical systems

          dazzled sincerity fiction autopsy

                           mortuaries with return trust

       subliminal dialogue             vertiginous drone

             sound insight      melodic initiation

          personal atrocities engender visionary will

                          nervous input destruction interlude

                vaporised disaster    degraded sound

    extended lust proposition         hellish summons

                      act now        shipping desires

                         force the hand of chance


                     [cut program/neutral engaged]



'Ours is the first age in which many thousands of the best-trained individual minds
have made it a full time business to get inside the collective mind. To get inside
in order to manipulate, exploit, control is the object now'

   – Marshall McLuhan, The Mechanical Bride


The abjection, the abortive, the absence

The absorption, the accumulation, the aftermath

The aggrandisement, the alarm

The allegiances, the antagonism, the anecdotal

The anticipation, the ambiguity, the ambition, the ambivalence

The apocalyptic, the apocryphal

The approximation, the arguments, the arrogance

The atmosphere

The atrocities, the attitude, the audience

The authenticity, the authority, the autonomy


The banal, the beats, the branding

The breakdown, the brutality, the bullshit


The cacophony, the catharsis, the certainty

The chants, the chaos, the coercion

The collages, the conceptual, the connotations, the controversial

The commitment, the compulsion

The conflicted, the confrontations, the confusion

The consequences

The conspiracies

The context, the control, the corruption

The covert, the critique, the cult, the curious


The data, the debris, the deception

The deconstruction

The defiance, the deflection, the demarcation

The demographics, the denotations

The desire, the despair, the destabilization, the destruction

The detachment

The determinism, the deviant, the devotion, the discipline

The disconnect, the discontent, the discontinuity

The discursive

The disdain, the disembodied, the disgust

The disinterest, the disorder

The displacement, the disruption, the dissolution

The dissonance, the distancing, the distortion

The distrust

The disturbances, the disturbed

The documentary, the documentation, the dogma

The doomed, the dynamics, the dystopian


The echoes

The effervescence

The electronics, the encounter, the esoteric

The evocation, the everyday, the excesses, the excitement

The excluded

The expectation, the experience, the experiment

The explicit, the extrapolation, the extremism


The fans, the fascination

The finality, the flux, the framework


The ghosts, the gloom, the graphic


The hedonism, the helplessness

The hermetic, the hidden, the hormonal

The horror


The iconography

The ideas, the identity, the impact, the impetus

The implications

The improvisation, the incantations

The incentives

The incompetence, the incomprehensible, the indeterminate

The infectious, the influence, the information

The infrastructure, the initiation

The innovation

The instinctive, the intention, the interventions

The intolerance

The intrigue, the introspection

The invective

The inventiveness, the irony, the irruption


The justifications


The legacy, the legend, the lies


The magick, the makeshift, the manic

The manifestations, the manifestos, the manipulation

The masochistic

The media, the memories, the menace, the misaligned

The mischief, the misdirection

The moment, the mood, the motivation, the music


The namedropping, the networking

The nihilism

The noise, the nonsense, the notoriety


The obscurity

The onslaught

The oppositional, the outbursts, the outrage

The overdrive, the overshadowing


The paranoia, the performative, the persistence, the perversion

The potential

The power

The predatory, the prescriptive, the presence

The pretentiousness

The product

The proscriptive, the provocative, the psychotic

The punishment, the purpose


The reluctance, the repetition

The repetition, the reputation, the resistance, the restlessness

The reverb

The rhetoric, the rituals, the rumours


The sadistic, the scarring, the scars, the senselessness

The serendipitous

The sexual, the shamanic, the significant

The silence

The Situationists, the sleaze, the snake

The sound, the spectacle, the structure, the subliminal

The substances, the subversion, the suppressed

The symbolism, the synergy


The tactical

The tapes, the technology

The tension

The theoretical, the transference, the transitions, the transfixed

The transgression

The transmissions, the trauma


The uncompromising

The unease

The unexplained, the unintelligible, the unnamed

The unpredictable, the unrest


The violence, the voice, the void


The wasteland

The wounded, the wreckers of civilization

Rupert Loydell is the editor of Stride and a contributing editor to International Times. He has many books of poetry in print, including The Age of Destruction and Lies, Dear Mary, The Return of the Man Who Has Everything, Wildlife and Ballads of the Alone, all published by Shearsman, who also published Encouraging Signs, a book of essays,
articles and interviews. He has co-authored many collaborative works, and edited anthologies for Knives Forks & Spoons Press, Shearsman, and Salt. He also writes about post-punk music, pedagogy, poetry and film for academic journals and books.