Chris McCreary
Between trees, the enemy’s
in the empty, the shed skins akin
to unseemly sheaves
slipped under eaves
for neat retrieval. Terza rima, terra
firma, rough semblance of form’s
solidity. Us & the blood moon
enough to unglue the roof & dip walls
& stars in hot tar. We are all animists
once the moss stops talking. Gravel path’s
overgrown, pedestals & ledgers illegible
in umbral obscurity. All’s gone
in the copse, an abyssal vault
uprooted & subsumed.
Reassurance turns,
for sugared hooks.
Barbs are
baked in. Caked in muck.
Brains snake for either auricle
if you’re ornery
Worst Sonnet
“No worst, there is none.”
– Gerard Manley Hopkins
Terrible sonnet. Horrible, really.
No good, very bad sonnet day drunk on
a Monday. Abominable sonnet
of nostrums & snot rockets snorting your
sympathetic powders in this roadside
porta-potty. Sonnet love bombed then dropped
like a radioactive potato.
Broken sonnet gross & exhorting. Lex-
ically bedeviled by hellebore &
henbane, exalting in its vitriol.
Sonnet of collage & frottage, blue boot-
leg printer ink stored in antique spirit
bottles & poured out as body shots. Naugh-
ty, naughty sonnet. Bad manners. Poor form.
Chris McCreary says: My latest book, awry, will be published by the end of the year by White Stag. Other recent poems appear at Ballast and Noir Sauna. I live in S. Philadelphia.