petro c. k.
hacked to not ship
swipe my little
off auto bracketing
feature, to a plush island
Scream the Casual Crisis
And turn off The webpage
Delete The world dictator.
The Kind Sense of Scotch Tape
This: is microns in handcuffs
and clues,
(the stuff I go
to have a human eye candy
like totally rocked.)
the winy
…. the torrkly
.. arrrrgh the taste
Hey … my feeds point .
…… Offs just for you
Onion hag
ground mood
pop tart
An ested order
A damp chin
The power living without a fantastic power
The rank smooth retire per a broker excuse
They lobby you
We intend me a smooth broker doctor prior to a living duty
The power snack
The larger card
A tidy insert
A seated punk
The damp taken nests up a rank damp
The round then astride a fantastic lift
We drank it
A flame stream
A round round
The tidy memory
A seated basket
I drop me
The broker living nests opposite to a smooth card
The damp enjoyable lobby upon a flame snack
The power chimp by means of a larger hat
A taken pool
The larger memory beneath a round pardon
They excuse me
The enjoyable card
A damp damp
I rank it
The fantastic flame basket at a tidy fantastic
The taken snack
You noon us
The smooth power vent in front
The tidy broker tidy touching a living vent
The power elbow
The seated drop
A taken drank
The tidy tidy
The broker flame broker vis-à-vis a duty then
The larger enjoyable chins around a fantastic hats
The smooth rank smooth on behalf of a living verge
The then fantastic chins in spite of a larger doctor
A lobby enjoyable
The round rank round through a flame card
A taken punk
A damp excuse
The living tidy hats up to a power pool
The smooth seated retire between a broker elbow
The tidy taken tidy but a broker vent
The rank seated elbow beside a round chin
The broker smooth broker beneath a fantastic lift
An enjoyable neck
The tidy flame vent unlike a then tidy
The then larger cheese minus a flame then
The enjoyable round owner of a fantastic noon
A taken snack
The power seated excuse in face of a rank punk
The tidy doctor
The living damp duty near a broker opera
They chimp us
The round tidy elbow because of a broker vent
The taken damp drank according to a enjoyable cheese
The seated power pool instead of a stream
We snack it
The then power then barring a taken cheese
A living insert
The smooth smooth
The round power pool aside from a fantastic duty
The rank broker doctor minus a seated rank
The enjoyable living insert amongst a taken chins
I nests it
A larger owner
The smooth flame card below a then cheese
The taken living card despite a tidy insert
The round fantastic pardon alongside a smooth pool
The then enjoyable then underneath a damp drop
petro c. k. seeks out and uses processes of entropy and decay. He is the editor of the journal dadakuku (