Simon Ravenscroft
microsophic sequence
unselfing but not right now
the unwelcome shenanigans of a delinquent hovering kestrel
glum as a churchyard
he was too spectral to throw himself into the Thames
never trust a man who reads you sermons
tender fred
broken of a flogged horse (a flogged horse)
just say yes to Turin
Prose Quintet Ending In A Standoff
Never let it be said that I was reluctant to STICK AROUND and SUCK IT UP!!!
Peacock spider is a silly name for a creature.
Sometimes when you are not here, you are a weight that hangs down inside my chest all the way to my belly.
You can’t trust me I’m mad as biscuits.
Gentlemen, unholster your glitter pistols.
Giblet, madam?
Darling, would you like a giblet?
Please pass the giblets.
This is not a good giblet!
I’m very sorry, sir, I’m afraid we have no more giblets.
Simon Ravenscroft lives in Cambridge, England. He teaches and writes in and around a variety of arts subjects. He is based at the University of Cambridge, where he is a Fellow of Magdalene College.